Central Park South, NYC Physiologic Dentistry Services For Headache Relief


Help For Heachaches

If you suffer from chronic headaches, they could be caused by a dental health issue. Morgan Herman, DDS, Michael Herman, DDS, and the team at Beyond Dentistry on Central Park South in New York City, use physiologic dentistry to diagnose the cause of your headaches and offer expert, customized treatment to alleviate your pain and heal the dental condition causing it.


What dental conditions cause headaches?

Dental health issues are a common cause of headaches. At Beyond Dentistry NYC, our team of dental experts diagnoses and treats the conditions that often contribute to chronic headaches.

  • Bruxism: Bruxism is the clinical term for grinding your teeth, usually while you’re sleeping. The pressure from grinding creates tension in the muscles of your face and jaw, which over time can spread and contribute to tension headaches.

  • Wisdom teeth: When your wisdom teeth erupt, they can put pressure on your other teeth, causing jaw pain that could radiate and contribute to headaches. Alternatively, impacted wisdom teeth cause significant jaw pain and infections, which contribute to headaches.

  • Decay and infection: In some cases, even a gum infection or tooth decay can contribute to headaches. Any inflammation in your mouth can compress your trigeminal nerve, which often leads to headaches.

  • Bite misalignment: Bite misalignment is a common cause of tension headaches. You have to work harder to bring your teeth together to chew or even close your mouth, which builds tension in your jaw. That tension can spread and cause headaches.

  • Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is a condition in which the soft tissues in your palate and the top of your throat relax and block your airway while you sleep. It not only disrupts your sleep but also interferes with your breath, both of which can contribute to chronic headaches.

How is the cause of my headaches diagnosed?

The team at Beyond Dentistry NYC diagnoses the cause of your headache with a comprehensive exam including digital imaging studies such as X-rays. They use physiologic dentistry, which takes into account your total body health, not just your oral and dental structures.

How are headaches treated?

Treatment for your headaches depends on the condition causing it. For example, if your dentist discovers that you have impacted wisdom teeth, they’ll suggest extraction, which should reduce inflammation and any nerve compression or tension that contributes to your headaches. Alternatively, depending on the root cause of your headaches, your dentist may recommend a mouthguard for when you’re sleeping or orthodontic treatment.

Contact us today to find out how physiologic dentistry can treat your headaches.